The first Idea I have is to not have a traditional three-column double page spread and instead put small paragraphs with pictures scattered around the page. I want to do this on only one page however because if i do it on both pages it might look cluttered and messy and that is not the look I am going for. On the left side have the whole page be one large picture and have a white border with shapes in the background to add a fun touch. And then somewhere near the bottom of the picture I want to put a white circle or box that has a small description of what the spread will be about. And this is my layout idea.
Now, my actual content idea is something a little different and maybe not to traditional for a makeup magazine, but it is very common in magazines for women. I want to do an article on a few steps on how to be the perfect girl/lady boss. **I still haven't chosen which phrase I like better** So what I want to do is put on the left side of the spread, a picture of a powerful and smiling girl to show readers that this is how they should feel after reading the article and following a few tips. Then in the little white circle that I mentioned before, I want to include a small summary of what the article will actually be about and basically say how it is so trendy and now is starting/ trying to be very common for women to be the boss and feel confident and not be fully immersing themselves on the opinions of men and following behind men and now start leading and being their own lady boss and feeling confident about it. This topic is something so important to me and I've always wanted to be able to spread my opinion and tips to other people but I have never had the chance to do so until now. Next, on the right side of the spread, I want to include the numbers 1-5 in large bold lettering to show, this is tip #1, this is tip #2 etc. and next to each number put a small description and possibly a matching photo.
This is my idea of the spread and by the end of the week, I would like to have started the double page spread and show. The pictures below can help you visualize my ideas.
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