Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Spring 2019 Trends

After creating the name of my magazine, I had to find out what my magazine issue would be about. It would obviously be about beauty, but there are so many aspects of beauty and makeup that it was difficult to choose. I knew that I wanted my issue to be about a current beauty/makeup trend for Spring/Summer of 2019, so I searched up on popular beauty websites, what will be trending in the makeup community for 2019. After searching through a few different websites, I gathered a list of 5 different makeup trends of 2019 that stuck out to me:

1. 'Dumpling skin' or 'glass skin' - inspired by K-beauty
Image result for glass skin makeup

2. Jewel-toned makeup - deep blues, emerald greens, ruby reds, and pink
Image result for jewel toned makeup

3. Gloss - glossy skin, lips, and eyes
Related image

4. Monochromatic makeup - particularly mauves and pinks
Image result for monochromatic makeup

5. Graphic eyes- colorful and intricate eyeliner and mascara
Image result for graphic colorful eyeliner looks

Although all of these trends sound beyond cool and something unique to feature in an issue, I had to consider my own limitations as a makeup artists, and personally, what trends I liked. Most trends I would be able to create, but the graphics eyes trend seems fairly difficult and I am not sure I would be able to create that. Also, it's not very practical for my readers, so I am scratching that trend. The next trend would be jewel-toned makeup, something very cool and hasn't been on trend in a while, but the trend doesn't speak to me much, so I am scratching that. Next would be the gloss trend, oh gosh I love this trend and have been on it since last year when it came off the runway, but from personal experience, it's really unrealistic. Your makeup starts slipping off, your eyelids get stuck together and your hair starts getting caught on your lip gloss. This trend is so beautiful but should be kept for runways and special shows only, I think it would be a cool feature, but I don't want the whole issue to be about this, so bye-bye gloss trend. Now I am down to my two favorites: glass skin and monochromatic makeup. I absolutely love the glass skin trend and try to do it on myself, but it definitely involves more than makeup, it's about your skin as well, so having an issue on this, I would be able to incorporate makeup and skin care which can appeal to my target audience. However, I die for monochromatic makeup, I basically do it every time I do makeup and is definitely practical and can be achieved by the everyday woman.

After careful decision making... I have realized that I actually don't want to just focus on one spring 2019 trend but incorporate all of them together, with the main focus on monochromatic makeup. I have chosen to make my issue about monochromatic makeup, while slightly adding other trends in the mix as well! It's definitely something I am capable of creating, I love the trend, and just because I eliminated all other trends, doesn't mean I can't necessarily slightly incorporate them into my makeup looks. I have a clear picture of how I want my cover shot to look like an I am so excited to incorporate my favorite makeup trends and surround it with monochromatic tones!!!!!

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